The danger of losing knowledge when key workers depart is by no means restricted to traditionally creative industries such as advertising, design or entertainment. A case in point is the dramatic move of Jos6 Ignacio Upez, chief of purchasing at GENERAL MOTORS, to VOLKSWAGEN.
This move was the subject of a lengthy debate. GENERAL MOTORS initially made massive demands for damages, alleging that documents or computer files had been transferred illegally. However, this dispute was eclipsed by the fact that here too, the loss of a key employee was followed by the exodus of a whole group of highly skilled managers. Uncoded intellectual assets of incalculable value were carried off in the heads of the renegades, and were irrevocably lost for GENERAL MOTORS.
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hal yang terpenting dalam kinerja seseorang adalah skill dan bagaimana ia menanamkan nama baiknya atau bisa dibilang karakteristiknya yang bagus dan dikenal baik oleh semua perusahaan. saat orang tersebut dikeluarkan dari perusahaan maka para karyawan bawahannya memilih untuk bergabung dengan perusahaan baru tempat ia bekerja lagi karena para karyawan tau semua perilaku yang baik yang pernah dia unjukkan